I'm Nate: aspiring computer scientist, voracious reader, and mango enthusiast.
Right now, I'm finishing up my computer science degree at UNC-Chapel Hill with a minor in statistics (expected graduation May 2022). In my freetime, I do research at UNC's Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratories, run, and play a lot of Candy Land with my younger siblings.
In February 2021, I got the opportunity to present a paper on the relationship between extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid and a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease with my research partner as part of my work at NIRAL. You can find the paper and presentation in the SPIE Medical Imaging catalogs. I did the majority of the statistical analysis in R with some help from bash scripts for the initial processing of the data.
For our intro to machine learning class, my partner and I (who both do research at NIRAL together) used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of infant data followed by K-means clustering to identify trends in those with abnormal development. We used the sci-kit learn package, as well as pandas in a python-based colab notebook.
As a part of my compilers class, I wrote a compiler in Java for a subset of the Java language (aka MiniJava). Along with the base project, I added extra features like support for Strings and static field initialization. I used Eclipse as my IDE and incorporated automated testing procedures.
I made a mock storyboard to familiarize myself with Tableau’s data pipelining. The data was artificially created with mockaroo.com then piped into a MySQL database, which was then linked live to Tableau to create real-time statistics.